Monday, October 24, 2016

Week 10: Reading Notes B: Tejas

When the Storm God Rides In
Tejas and Other Indian Legends

Bibliography: by Florence Stratton
Collected by Bessie M. Reid

Read them here

Favorite readings
From "When the Rainbow was Torn"

Why Hummingbirds Drink Only Dew:
-interesting personification of hummingbird
-”bad habit of gambling”

The Maiden Who Loved a Star:
-Indian girl from desert of western country
-looking for purple ripe fruit of the prickly pear

-noticed one star was brighter than the others one day when the sun began to set
-personification of the star: “Was the star winking down at her? She thought it was. She dreamed of the shining star that night, and she saw in her dream that the star was the home of a fine, tall youth, a sky dweller”

-visited her star for seven days
-”each night she dreamed of this fair young man”
-”full of love”
-”unhappy because she was so far away from her lover in the star-frosted sky”
-decided she wanted to die, so went to old witch woman
-wanted to be taken up to the sky “to live in the star with her lover”
-old woman says she must live but that she can change her into a different form
-drank from the potion the old lady gave her
-turned into a new type of shrub
-”When the sky youth saw what had happened, he leaned far out of an opening in his star lodge. He leaned so far out that the edges of the star broke with his weight, and he fell with sparkling pieces of star straight towards the maiden who had become a bush”
-”the youth was changed to purple blossoms”
-surprised not a shooting star
-became the ceniza

What they became

How Sickness Entered the World:
-sickness used to not exist
-”sickness was unknown in the world until two young Indians killed a messenger from the Great Spirit”
-dying medicine man

When the Rainbow was Torn:
-interesting: “there are flowers whose petals have in them part of the very colors belonging to the rainbow”
-cactus flowers
-Rainbow never touched cactus plants
-got stuck in the thorns on a rainy day
-white cactus flowers filled with the rainbow's colors
-BEAUTIFUL imagery

Rainbow Cactus

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