Monday, October 24, 2016

Reading Notes: Nursery Rhymes (Part B)

The Nursery Rhyme Book by Andrew Lang
Read it here

Reading Notes B:
-Love and Matrimony
-Natural History Part 1 and 2
-Accumulative Stories

Little Miss Muffet: a relic

-when I think of jingle, I think of television commercials
-many sounds and names
-quite a few recognizable

Love and Matrimony:
-these were adorable to me
-”Jack and Jill” is an all time favorite
-I do not understand why Jack Sprat was classified in this other than the fact he was married

Natural History:
-all include animals or months or locations

Accumulative Stories:
-I like these! They are longer and kind of keep going
-reminds me of the “picnic” game from childhood: each child has to say what they will bring to a picnic; after saying what they will bring they have to go back and say what all of the children before them said they were bringing; keep going until someone messes up

-Miss Muffet: love
-some are quite exclamatory

1 comment:

  1. Hey Hannah! I decided to comment on your reading notes because I never thought to organize my reading notes like you did. I tend to write my notes as I read then just write a paragraph of my thoughts. I like your way better because sometimes I feel that I get a little distracted. I hope you don't mind if I use your idea!
