Monday, October 24, 2016

Learning Challenge: Attention Tips

Prompt: I'm guessing pretty much everybody has some good strategies for paying attention and focusing, so figure out what your best time tip(s) are and then write that up in a blog post. Maybe other students in class can benefit from a strategy you are using!

As someone who is diagnosed with a disorder that is actually described by my lack of attention skills, I can honestly say I have tried every tip and trick in the book when it comes to trying to pay attention in class. Some work, and, obviously, so seriously did not. Below are some of the best tips I can give for paying attention in and out of the classroom.

1: Sooth the Ear
Whenever I am having to focus on schoolwork, I always listen to calm music. If I am writing, it has to be background tunes (piano, orchestra, etc) but if it is math problems or something similar it can have lyrics. This type of music motivates you.
2: Coffee is a Focus Assistant
I don’t know what it is about coffee, but, for some reason, it is the greatest thing I have found to help me focus. It is like adderall in a cup. Sip on some hot brew and get to work. This plus tip one together make miracles happen.

3: Find Your Environment
Some people focus better when they are in a crowded location, like the main part of the Union. Others, like me, need to have a simple, comfortable space in which to work. My absolute favorite spots are 1: Gaylord Hall (so comfy with the couches) or 2: The Grey Owl on Grey Street.

4: Cover Your Clocks
If time limits stress you out (like they stress me out), sit facing AWAY from any clock possible. Cover the clock on your computer with a sticky note if you know you’re going to be working late… it’ll keep your stress on the low.

5: No Phone Zone
My phone is my absolute weakness while studying (which my friends may not believe because I am the worst at texting on planet earth). Pinterest and Instagram can consume me for days. Turning my phone on silent and screen down are the absolute best tricks I can offer (or put it in your backpack! Even better).

1 comment:

  1. Hey Hannah!

    The Learning Challenge posts are always some of my favorites to read because I love seeing the things that other people do to help them focus! This post was especially good. We already have very similar study methods. I can't have my phone anywhere near me. If it's got to be close by for some reason, I always put it on airplane mode! And Gray Owl is where I get my best work done. I haven't listened to music while working since high school, since I tend to get so distracted by the lyrics. I'll definitely have to try listening to some piano/orchestral stuff.
