Monday, October 24, 2016

Growth Mindset: Learning Beyond the Classroom

One of the most exciting things about the growth mindset approach is that it applies to all kinds of learning, not just the formal academic learning that you do in school. So, think about that: where do you see yourself doing the best job of applying the growth mindset in your own life...? Maybe you are a serious athlete, or a foodie, or a musician, or a traveler... so many possibilities! Think about the aspect of your life where you see the power of the growth mindset at work and write that up as a blog post.

As of right now, school and work kind of take over my life and my day to day activities… but this is okay. I am a student, so I know that in order to be the best I can be, I need to be dedicating a lot of time on my studies. In the future, though, I have aspirations.

One thing I really want to do in my free time (If I ever get any) is start my own blog. I already journal, so blogging I think would be a great way to get to reach out and let others explore my world. I have many ideas for this, but I haven’t had much of a chance to get started… which I need to change!

Since I love travel and fashion, I know those are two aspects I am going to utilize on the blog. We will see what else I come up with! It is exciting to know I have the potential to create whatever I would like. The world is still my oyster.


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