Monday, October 3, 2016

Reading Notes: Folklore of the Congo (Part B)

Biography: Notes on the Folklore of the Fjort (French Congo) by R.E. Dennett (1898): link here

Stories in Section:
-The Antelope and the Leopard
-How the Spider Won and Lost Nzambi’s Daughter
-The Turtle and the Man
-The Gazelle and the Leopard
-The Fetish Sunga
-The Rabbit and the Antelope
-The Fetish of Chilunga
-The Leopard and the Crocodile
Why the Crocodile Does Not Eat the Hen
-The Three Brothers

Hiding from the Antelope


The Antelope and the Leopard
Fav Quote: “The leopard one day bet his life to the antelope that if he hid himself the antelope would never find him.”
Moral: Kindness goes a long way

The Turtle and the Man
Fav Quote: ‘"Let us build a large trap," said the turtle," that we may catch an antelope." The man agreed, and they set to work and made a very large one.’
Moral: share

The Fetish of Chilunga

Fav Quote: ‘Girls who are given in marriage by their parents to ugly men and who object to them on that account are taken to the holy ground. Then they hear a voice speaking to them, saying: "Are you then so beautiful that you can afford to despise these good men on account of their ugliness?" Then their hands are tied behind them, and there they remain prisoners until such time as they are willing to marry the men.’

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