Monday, October 10, 2016

Week 8 Reflections

Being as it is midterms, it is time to look back and reflect on the work that I have done in the past and prepare myself for future assignments.

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Reflection is key to growth

I love reading, and, as is evident in my Reading Notes, I like writing about some topics more than I enjoy others. Certain chapters of this (Japan) have been a little more absurd than others and hard to rewrite. In these upcoming weeks, I am most excited to read the European stories (weeks 11-12). Since a large population of America descends from this area of the world (including myself) I think it will be interesting to see what variations of these stories have been adopted here in America and which have completely disappeared all together.

As someone who is an avid journaler and writer, it is sometimes hard to have to write about a certain theme. This being said, I know it is broadening my horizons entirely and challenging me to think in ways I otherwise wouldn’t. The different revision techniques we use also are so interesting to me. I have them copied down in my notebook because I want to use them on some of my entries in the future.

When looking at the work created by my classmates, I most admire those who are not afraid to go all out. The stories that are the most absurd are typically the best. Being a grammar nerd because of my major, the worst thing is reading a story that has terrible wording etc and cannot be understood. It ruins the production that is being conceived in my brain

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