Monday, September 19, 2016

Reading Notes: Japanese Fairy Tales (Ozaki)- Part A

Stories in Section:
-My Lord Bag of Rice (3 parts)
-The Adventures of Kintaro (4 parts)
-The Man Who Did Not Wish to Die (3 parts)

Biography: Japanese Fairy Tales compiled by Yei Theodora Ozaki

My Lord Bag of Rice:
-“My Lord Bag of Rice”= Tawara Toda, a warrior from Japan

-stories contain a lot of vivid descriptions, including:
-onomatopoeias: “crunch, crunch!”
-similes: “it looked like the trunk of a large pine tree” (in regards to the serpent-dragon)
-adjectives, which is interesting because they show the opinion of the author more so than the traits of the actual character “brave warrior”, “dainty goldfishes”

-       Serpent-dragon
-       Centipede “who lives on the mountain beyond” and is the Dragon King’s mortal enemy

The Adventures of Kintaro, The Golden Boy
The Golden Boy
-Kintoki- brave soldier from Kyoto
-AKA Kintaro, or “golden boy”
-kind of a loner
-author continues to use many adjectives, and use those to represent character traits rather than through their actions; also uses onomatopoeias
-story has a deer, bear, monkey and hare having a wrestling match, which initially kind of reminded me of the race between the tortoise and the hare in English story telling

The Story of the Man Who Did Not Wish to Die
-Sentaro (surname meant Millionaire)
-decides he wants to live a long life

-more of an adventure story than Kintaro, but varies from both My Lord Bag of Rice and The Adventures of Kintaro, because Sentaro is not strong nor brave, his quest was for his own gain.

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