Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Why Hello There!

Hello! My name is Hannah Stephens and welcome to my class blog.

Below, I have organized some fun facts about me for you to enjoy.

School and Work
I am a senior here at the University of Oklahoma, which is terrifying to think about! My major is public relations and my minors are in history and political science. Last semester, I got to take the class PR Writing, which was so much fun to me because I got to create a blog all about different topics I would have never thought about otherwise. I ended up getting a 4.0 for the semester, which I consider a huge accomplishment! 
When I am not in class, I am typically at one of my three jobs. I work at Stella Raes Boutique as a sales associate, Capital Distributions as a promo model and at Apple Corp out of Cupertino as a Corporate Rep! Though I am busy, I always make sure to have time to get out and see my friends at least once a week, after all, it is my last year here!

I was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, raised in Augusta, Georgia, and am from Fort Worth, Texas. All of that bouncing around makes me very fortunate for my loving and supportive family. My mom and dad met as camp counselors and just celebrated their 23rd wedding anniversary. I have a younger sister, Amanda, and a younger brother, Jack. Amanda is a sophomore at OU this year and Jack is a junior at FWCD in Fort Worth. We have a dog named Baxter, that my sister decided to adopt off Craigslist as a surprise (: 
Future Me
Short term, my goal is to graduate and find a job that I enjoy. I would love for it to be in Austin, Texas, but if not there are always other cities. In the next five to ten years, I hope to develop that job into a career, get married and begin a family. 
What Makes Me, Me
I am a music fanatic, I can listen to almost anything and love finding new songs to obsess over. On my dream day, I would wake up at a spa on the coast and then be able to find a coffee shop to journal in. 


  1. I really enjoyed your introduction post! First of all: I love to shop at Stella Raes, probably more than I should. I was actually there today and purchased a new tank top for game day next week. I also study history. I focus on the Tudor and Stuart monarchs of England. I wish I were more into keeping a journal, so I'm pretty jealous that you enjoy it. I do love coffee though, so at least there is that. I'm curious why you want your job to be in Austin, I mean, we are Sooners after all. I'm just teasing, Austin a really cool city with a create vibe. I could see how you would want to work there. I also have a puppy and his name is Winston Baxter. He always knows he is in trouble when I use his full name. It's actually pretty cute. While I am also a senior, I am much older than most college seniors and have already mostly lived that part of my life. It's really good that you make time to cut lose and see your friends. I worked five jobs when I was 23 and barely had time for any fun and I often wish I made more time for my friends during such a crucial time in my life.

  2. Hey Hannah! First of all, your blog looks awesome and I wish I was more creative and had more ideas to make mine look as good as yours. Baxter is adorable and I wish my sibling would surprise my family with a puppy...although I'm not sure your parents were very thrilled with her decision. I will be very jealous if you end up working in Austin because I have always wanted to live there. I have family there, but have never stayed for more than a week. I love music as well; I wish I had more time to search for interesting songs...I tend to mainly stick to my Spotify playlist or Sirius radio. I am impressed by all of your jobs and the fact that you still make time for friends a fun; that is such an important thing to do while you still can!

  3. I am excited that you were blogging in another class, Hannah: super! And I am a fan of Austin too: I was born there, but we moved away when I was pretty little (second grade), although when my dad retired, he decided to go back there, so now I get to go visit. He lives downtown which means there is always something to do/see. I can imagine the world of PR in Austin is buzzing with action. The storytelling element is a big part of PR, and so I hope this class can be a chance for you to explore new stories, write new stories of your own... and of course to keep on blogging! :-)

  4. Wow, you certainly sound busy. At least a blogging class is more fun than work I think! I have a lot of family in Fort Worth; I think it's a great city but I hope you're finding Norman quite to your liking although it may not be as big. Your dog is very cute by the way. I love dogs and yours looks so playful in that video :) I like your blog's theme a lot too. Everything is very easy to read which is a problem I was having with setting up mine. Hope everything goes smoothly this semester!

  5. Hi Hannah, I have to say you must be a really busy person, three jobs and college with a major and minor!! Wow that is certainly a lot and definitely something I would never be able to achieve so I praise you for that. Your video was very funny and your dog seems to be amusing too. Thanks for sharing, I look forward to your future stories.

  6. Hey Hannah, it's nice to meet you. I thought it was cool that you were raised in Augusta, Georgia. For one I think you are the only person I have met who was raised there, but also in my opinion the best golf course in the nation is there (Augusta National)! I am an avid golfer, so that's why I bring that up. Anyways, it was nice to meet you and I look forward to reading some of your stories.

  7. Hello Hannah, it is nice to meet you. We have several things in common.I am also a senior at the University of Oklahoma. My major is political science. It is great that you have been across the United States, but I am sure that was challenging when you were younger. Three jobs, wow you must be busy! I won't start working until I graduate from law school, but I admire anyone who can juggle school, work, and still have a life and a 4.0. It sounds like you have an amazing support system, which really helps. I hope you land your dream job and live the American dream. I am looking forward to reading one of your stories.

  8. Hey, Hannah! I know your sister, Amanda! Also- I am totally obsessed with Austin, TX and also hope to end up there. Your blog is adorable! I love the layout and the colors. I also love coffee shops and I almost exclusively study with a cup of coffee. It was nice to 'meet' you- I hope to read more from you this semester!

  9. Hey Hannah! Small world that we're in the same online class this semester! I feel like I already know you pretty well, but I enjoyed getting to read some more personal things about you. Congrats on the 4.0! I got my first one last semester, so that's an exiting accomplishment. I didn't know that you have moved around so much in your life from Ohio to Georgia to Texas and now Oklahoma for a few years. I think living in Georgia would be so great. I love the deep south and Georgia seems to be the middle of all of it, so you can easily go to the mountains or the beach. Anyways, I hope you have a great semester!

  10. Wow, it certainly sounds like you keep yourself busy! I'm a senior as well, but have to take a fifth year. But that doesn't mean this year isn't crazy busy.. I can't imagine what next year's going to be like.

    That is a very cool and interesting major/minors combination! How did you get interested in political science? I'm a poli sci major and have actually had a lot of friends double major in PR and Poli Sci. Both programs are incredible.

    And I am right there with you... right about now vacationing on a coast sounds AMAZING!

  11. Nice to meet you Hannah! You indeed sound like you are incredibly busy! I’m impressed with how much you have going on that you are able to maintain such good grades. I love that you included a Marcel the Shell video. He is so adorable, I used to watch him all the time with my friends. Good luck in your future endeavors!

  12. Hi Hannah! Although we already know much about each other, I had no clue you were working three jobs…that sounds like a lot of work. Austin is one of the cities that I am also looking at for jobs although DFW is my main focus. I always wanted to visit Augusta on account of being a big golf fan, although I am sure you hear that a lot.

  13. Hey Hannah! Like you I am also a senior PR major! Can you believe it is almost time to graduate? I think it is really awesome that you are so involved with a variety of jobs! If you had to pick, which one is your favorite! Since we are both PR majors, is there any specific area of PR you want to go into? I hope you are enjoying your last year in Gaylord and I can't wait to read more of your writing!!

  14. You are right, being a senior is terrifying. Usually I enjoy reading people's introductions, but your third sentence really got me worrying. THANKS... Congratulations on your 4.0 semester, that really is a huge accomplishment and something that I always strive for, but fail to achieve. Keep the momentum going this semester and get another 4.0! What job do you see yourself doing after you graduate?

  15. I'm also senior and don't worry I'm terrified too! It's insane to think that next spring we will actually be graduating. I am going to grad school so I'm not completely done with school but I feel like I'm actually going to be a real adult. I think you're like the 3rd or 4th PR major I read about. I'm glad you like your major. Good luck with the rest of your semester!

  16. Hi Hannah!
    Okay first, it is so cool that you work for Apple. I have never heard of anyone doing that! Also congrats on your 4.0, I know how much work you have to put in for that! And I completely agree, on being a senior. I am a senior ad major and it is such a scary thought!

  17. Hannah, I too am a senior PR major! I took PR Writing over the summer and absolutely loved it too! It sounds like you stay crazy busy what with having three jobs plus making time for a social life. The act of balancing school, work and friends is so hard. What genre's of music do you like or not like? One thing I've noticed is that usually there is one or two genre's of music that people like to listen to but do not want to go see in concert? Do you have a genre you like but wouldn't pay to see? I can't wait to read some of your stories! I can tell you are creative and I bet they will be good reads!

  18. Hey! I'm really surprised that I haven't stumbled across your blog yet!I thought that I had seen everyone's, but I guess not. You organized your introduction in a super cool way! I'm also a PR major, but you seem like you're way ahead of me job wise. I still haven't had any jobs or internships. Good luck on your senior year and I look forward to reading your stories!

  19. Hannah - first off, I love that picture of you in the sunglasses; super fun and cute! I'm a senior also, but I'm gonna be a "super senior" next year, as I'm a little behind in my coursework, but I'm still terrified nonetheless. I think everyone is a little terrified of graduating, some just hide it better than others hehe. It's really neat that you want to move to Austin! I've only been there once, but it was a super cool city, and I really wanna get back there someday soon. It's cool because it's such a little art and culture hub, but it's not super far away like New York or wherever else, so it's nice to be relatively close to family and stuff! Best of luck on your future endeavors. :)
