Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Comment Wall

Write your comments and questions here


  1. Hi Hannah! I just wanted to tell you that I really like your layout/background for your blog! I am a huge lover of books and so this obviously caught my eye. When I was younger I would read two or three books a month just for fun. I wish I was still able to do that now, but with 2 kids and a full time class schedule, it is kind of hard to find time. Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that I thought your blog looked awesome!

  2. Hi Hannah! I just wanted to pop by and say thank you for your comments on my story “The Three Lovers.” I loved how you analyzed the choice based on the different types of love language. I had never really thought about that, but it was an excellent point and I’m glad my writing was able to link the story to that idea in your head. It definitely helped me look at how I was writing and see how I could help others make similar connections while they were reading my story. Thanks!!

  3. Your stories seem a little dark… Maybe you could switch the theme up a little bit to match your stories. I really like your story about that sultan. It was easy to understand and it flowed very well. The way you used dialog helped me to picture the two of them talking (or not talking) I like how it wasn’t in first person but you added elements of first person by giving them thoughts. It creates a dynamic story when you can get into the minds of multiple people. I love how it was just a short piece that goes into detail about things instead of scanning over things. I also like how he turns out to be a good guy. My only suggestion is to give more background or convey that she is scared or something in the beginning because she didn’t seem very afraid. If you wanted, you could put the story fully into her perspective so that you could use more descriptions of the moments that were happening. Great job!
